A Theta-Shaped Amphiphilic Cobaltabisdicarbollide Anion: Transition From Monolayer Vesicles to Micelles†


 Dr. Pierre Bauduin1,*, Dr. Sylvain Prevost2, Dr. Pau Farràs3, Prof. Francesc Teixidor3, Dr. Olivier Diat1, Prof. Thomas Zemb1

Sandwiched: The cobaltabisdicarbollide (mono-)anion ([3,3′-Co(1,2-C2B9H11)2]−, COSAN−) forms monolayer vesicles at low concentrations in water (see picture). An increase in concentration leads to a Coulomb explosion of the closely packed vesicles into small micelles, which results in the coexistence of both aggregation states at higher concentrations.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Volume 50, Issue 23, pages 5298–5300, May 27, 2011

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