“Switchable Surface Hydrophobicity-Hydrophilicity of a Metal-Organic Framework.”

Switchable Surface Hydrophobicity-Hydrophilicity of a Metal-Organic Framework.

Rodríguez-Hermida, S.; Tsang, M. Y.; Vignatti, C.; C. Stylianou, K.; Guillerm, V.; Pérez-Carvajal, J.; Teixidor, F.; Vinas, C.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, D.; Verdugo Escamilla, C.; Peral, I.; Juanhuix, J.; Verdaguer, A.; Imaz, I.; Maspoch, D.; Planas, J. G. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201609295R201609291.


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